Thousands of people had contracted the black fungal infection after the treatment of covid-19. Here is all you have to know about what is the link between covid-19 and the fungal infection, and how to safeguard ourselves from contracting the same. Before that let us understand what causes both the diseases. There are several myths and facts rummaging around the country with regards to the Black fungus. Stay updated and do not believe in rumors.

COVID-19 is caused by the newly discovered pathogen, Coronavirus. The most dangerous characteristic of the virus is the rapidity of its spread from person to person. The virus primarily spreads through droplets of saliva or the nose discharge upon sneezing, talking, or coughing of an infected person. Hence a mask becomes one of the most essential pieces of equipment for prevention and precaution from the disease.
The coronavirus enters into our body and latches its spiky surface to healthy blood cells in our body, especially the ones in the lungs. This causes respiratory symptoms of cold, fever, cough, and in extreme cases, not being able to breathe.
Symptoms of Covid-19
Once, entered into our body, the pathogen takes around 2-14 days to respond with symptoms of:
● Cough and sore throat
● Fever
● Shortness of breath or trouble breathing
● Fatigue
● Chills
● Body aches
● Headache
● Runny nose
● Loss of taste
● Loss of smell
● Nausea
● Diarrhea
Black Fungus
Black fungus or, Mucormycosis is a rare fungal infection. It is infected by a group of fungi called Mucormycetes. It's a severe fungal infection that can get fatal if not taken proper care of it. These fungi exist everywhere in our nature, especially in the soil and decaying organic matter. The fungus can grow in the brain sinus area, lungs, skin, or in our body’s gastrointestinal system (GI).
Symptoms of black fungus in sinuses:
● One-sided facial swelling
● Headache
● Fever
● Nasal congestion
● Black lesions on nasal bridges or inside of the mouth
Symptoms of black fungus in lungs:
● Cough
● Shortness of breath
● Fever
● Chest Pain
Symptoms of black fungus in skin:
● Skin ulcers
● Blisters
● Skin turning black
● Swelling
● Pain, warmth, and redness around the wound
Symptoms of black fungus GI:
● Nausea
● Vomiting
● Abdominal pain
● GI bleeding
So how are Black Fungus and Covid-19 linked?
A person infected with the virus is left with a very weak immune system. This brings the patient into a very high risk of contracting the fungal infection. This is especially because of the abundance of the fungi in the environment around us, especially in soil and decaying organic matter.
Another plausible explanation could be that the Steroids that are used to heal patients from covid COVID-19, make them immunocompromised. Indiscriminate usage of steroids has led to severe cases of the fungus. So much so that, Rajasthan had announced it as an epidemic.
Patients having underlying conditions, especially diabetes, are avoided from being prescribed steroids. It is because it causes the immunity of the patient to be further, compromised to such infections. But the growing number of infections reflects the possibility of how thousands of people do not know of having diabetes.
Mucormycosis has a mortality rate of more than 50%. So this condition should not be taken lightly at all.
Precautions that can be taken:
As a takeaway, we should make sure to not consume or prescribe steroids indiscriminately to covid patients. Often patients self-consume steroids without a doctor’s guidance, or they even pressurize doctors to prescribe the same. At times, doctors overuse steroids for the recovery of patients. This needs to be taken care of at the earliest, in order to stop the further spread of the fungus infection.
Other precautionary measures could be the maintenance of blood sugar levels, use of clean sterile water during oxygen therapy, wearing masks especially while working with soil, organic matter, and construction sites.
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