Heart disease can be described as a broad umbrella term that covers a variety of cardiovascular issues. There are many types of heart disease. In India, more than 4.5 million people died of cardiovascular disease in 2020. Cardiovascular Diseases remain the leading cause of death in India since 2000. The quality of treatment for CVDs differs depending on income levels.
Let's now take a look at the top four most popular CVDs in India, ranked by disability caused.

Ischemic heart disease
Ischemic heart disease refers to persistent chest pain and discomfort caused by a blockage in the flow of blood to a particular part of your heart. This is usually due to plaque buildup.
IHD can be treated with medication, lifestyle changes, and surgery. This condition can be treated at the Fortis Escorts Hospital, New Delhi, or Apollo Hospital, Chennai.
Cerebrovascular disease
The brain can sustain damage that restricts blood flow through narrowing of vessels (stenosis), blood-clotting (thrombosis), and vessel blockage (embolism). These problems can lead to a stroke. In the event of a stroke, it is important to get treatment quickly with medications like TPA and related clot-busters. Other treatments are focused on preventing further strokes and limiting complications. Mediante – The Mendicity Hospitals, Gurgaon, and Apollo Hospitals, Grams Road in Chennai are among the best hospitals to treat brain stroke.
Rheumatic heart disease
Rheumatic fever is an inflammation of connective tissues, especially the heart, brain, joints, and skin. It can permanently damage the valves if it affects your heart.
The treatment includes medications that in some cases can last for the rest of the patient's life. Fortis Escorts Heart Institute is located in Okhla Road. It is the Best Heart Treatment Hospitals for any type of cardiovascular disease.
Myocarditis can be caused by inflammation of the heart's middle muscle layer and/or the outer sac. Virus infection is the most common cause. The treatment may include medication to regulate the heartbeat or improvise heart function. Sometimes, a pacemaker or surgery may be necessary to ensure the heart's proper function. Mediante – The Mendicity, Gurgaon, and Manipal Hospitals, New Delhi have a great reputation for providing the same.
How the heart works
Your heart is a pump. It is a muscular organ that measures approximately the same size as your fist and is located slightly to the left of your chest. The right and left sides of your heart are divided.
The right side of your heart contains the right ventricle and right atrium. Through the pulmonary veins, it pumps blood to the lungs.
The lungs provide oxygen to the blood. The lungs also exhale carbon dioxide, which is a waste product.
The oxygen-rich blood enters the left side, including the ventricle and left atrium.
To supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body, the left side of your heart pumps blood through the largest artery (aorta).
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